Java Card API


2017-05-22 17:19:12 M&W SmartCard 34

Class RandomData

public abstract class RandomDataextends Object

The RandomData abstract class is the base class for random number generation. Implementations of RandomData algorithms must extend this class and implement all the abstract methods.

Field Summary
static byte ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM           Utility pseudo-random number generation algorithms.
static byte ALG_SECURE_RANDOM           Cryptographically secure random number generation algorithms.


Constructor Summary
protected RandomData ()          Protected constructor for subclassing.


Method Summary
abstract  void generateData (byte[] buffer,short offset,short length)          Generates random data.
static RandomData getInstance (byte algorithm)          Creates a RandomData instance of the selected algorithm.
abstract  void setSeed (byte[] buffer,short offset,short length)          Seeds the random data generator.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object


Field Detail


public static final byte ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM

Utility pseudo-random number generation algorithms. The random number sequence generated by this algorithm need not be the same even if seeded with the same seed data.

Even if a transaction is in progress, the update of the internal state

shall not participate in the transaction.

See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final byte ALG_SECURE_RANDOM

Cryptographically secure random number generation algorithms.

See Also:Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


protected RandomData()

Protected constructor for subclassing.

Method Detail


public static final RandomDatagetInstance(byte algorithm) throws CryptoException

Creates a RandomData instance of the selected algorithm. The pseudo random RandomData instance's seed is initialized to a internal default value.

Parameters:algorithm - the desired random number algorithm. Valid codes listed in ALG_* constants above. See ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM .

Returns:the RandomData object instance of the requested algorithm

Throws: CryptoException- with the following reason codes:

  • CryptoException.NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM if the requested algorithm is not supported.


public abstract void generateData(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length) throws CryptoException

Generates random data.

Parameters:buffer - the output buffer

offset - the offset into the output buffer

length - the length of random data to generate

Throws: CryptoException- with the following reason codes:

  • CryptoException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if the length parameter is zero.


public abstract void setSeed(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)

Seeds the random data generator.

Parameters:buffer - the input buffer

offset - the offset into the input buffer

length - the length of the seed data 

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