Interface OwnerBioTemplate
All Superinterfaces: BioTemplate
The OwnerBioTemplate interface should be implemented by the applet which owns the biometric template. It extends the BioTemplate interface and adds functionality to enroll a reference template.
Field Summary |
Fields inherited from interface javacardx.biometry.BioTemplate |
Method Summary | |
void | doFinal () Finalizes the enrollment of a reference template. |
void | init (byte[] bArray,short offset,short length) Initializes the enrollment of a reference template. |
void | resetUnblockAndSetTryLimit (byte newTryLimit) Resets the validated flag, unblocks the reference, updates the try limitvalue and resets the try counter to the try limit value. |
void | update (byte[] bArray,short offset,short length) Continues the enrollment of a reference template. |
Methods inherited from interface javacardx.biometry.BioTemplate |
getBioType , getPublicTemplateData , getTriesRemaining , getVersion , initMatch , isInitialized , isValidated , match , reset |
Method Detail |
void init(byte[] bArray, short offset, short length) throws BioException
Initializes the enrollment of a reference template. This method is also used toupdate a reference template. It resets the validated flag and, in theupdate case, uninitializes the previous reference. Note:
A correct enrollment sequence is : init,[update],doFinal.
Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional.
Parameters:bArray - - byte array containing the data of the template
offset - - starting offset in the bArray
length - - byte length of the template data in the bArray
Throws: BioException- with the following reason codes:
- BioException.INVALID_DATA if the submitted template data doesnot have the required format.
void update(byte[] bArray, short offset, short length) throws BioException
Continues the enrollment of a reference template. This method should onlybe used if all the input data required for enrollment is not available inone byte array. It can be called several times. Note:
A correct enrollment sequence is : init,[update],doFinal.
Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional.
Parameters:bArray - - byte array containing the data of the template
offset - - starting offset in the bArray
length - - byte length of the template data in the bArray
Throws: BioException- with the following reason codes:
- BioException.ILLEGAL_USE if the reference is already initializedor the current enrollment state doesn't expect this method.
- BioException.INVALID_DATA if the submitted template data doesnot have the required format.
void doFinal() throws BioException
Finalizes the enrollment of a reference template. Final action ofenrollment is to designate a reference template as being complete andready for use (marks the reference as initialized, resets the try counter and unblocks the reference). This routine may also include some errorchecking prior to the validation of reference template as ready for use. Note:
A correct enrollment sequence is : init,[update],doFinal.
Calling init and doFinal is mandatory, calling update is optional.
Throws: BioException- with the following reason codes:
- BioException.ILLEGAL_USE if the reference is already initializedor the current enrollment state doesn't expect this method.
- BioException.INVALID_DATA if the submitted template data doesnot have the required format.
void resetUnblockAndSetTryLimit(byte newTryLimit) throws BioException
Resets the validated flag, unblocks the reference, updates the try limitvalue and resets the try counter to the try limit value.
Parameters:newTryLimit - - the number of tries allowed before the reference
is blocked. newTryLimit must be at least 1.
Throws: BioException- with the following reason codes:
- BioException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if the newTryLimit parameter is lessthan 1.