What does EMV stand for?EMV is short for Europay, MasterCard, and Visa, the 1994 founders. It's a secure software for payments and commonly refers to a credit card with a smart chip.The EMV standa
2023/05/25 M&W SmartCard 48
The release of the Java Card 3.1 specification has helped to simplify the implementation of Trusted Peripheral use cases and will enable trust and the exchange of sensitive data at the very edge. Find out how Java Card secures the “last yard” between devices and attached peripherals
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 120
A secure element running Java Card can play a critical role to ensure trust between the cloud and connected device. Find out how Java Card provides a secure local focal point for security policies
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 159
In a world of connected or even autonomously driving cars, privacy, integrity and confidentiality of the data exchanged must be paramount. Find out how Java Card based solutions can help to protect and manage the identities of vehicles
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 109
Java Card products are widely used in metering scenarios to provide authentication and integrity services. Find out how Java Card can protect metering security credentials
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 94
Java Card-based secure elements are a prime choice for implementing gateway security. Find out how Java Card ensures mutual device / cloud authentication
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 103
Find out how Java Card provides the perfect environment to securely store credentials IoT device manufacturers deploy embedded SIM (eSIM) modules for consumer and M2M use cases to provide a reliable, robust and trusted access to the IoT ecosystem.
2021/07/19 M&W SmartCard 114
ModelEPCUserTIDReservedUHF860-960MHzNXPUCODE7128\96\UCODE7m1283296\UCODE7xm44819664UCODE7xm+44829664UCODE8128\9664ImpinjMonza 4E4961289664Monza 4QT96(public)128(aprivate)5129664Monza 4D128329664Mo
2021/04/01 M&W SmartCard 71