Java Card API

  • utilexception

    javacardx.framework.util Class UtilExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class UtilExceptionextend

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  • util

    javacard.framework Class Utiljava.lang.Object public class Utilextends Object The Util class contains common utility functions. Some of the methods may be implemented as native functions for performan

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  • userexception

    javacard.framework Class UserExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardException java.lang.Throwable public class UserExceptionextends CardException UserException represents

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  • transactionexception

    javacard.framework Class TransactionExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class TransactionExcepti

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  • tlvexception

    javacardx.framework.tlv Class TLVExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class TLVExceptionextends C

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  • throwable

    java.lang Class Throwablejava.lang.Object Direct Known Subclasses: Exception public class Throwableextends Object The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java Cardpla

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  • systemexception

    javacard.framework Class SystemExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class SystemExceptionextends

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  • signaturemessagerecovery Interface SignatureMessageRecoveryA subclass of the abstract Signature class must implement this SignatureMessageRecovery interface to provide message recovery functionality. An inst

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  • signature Class Signaturejava.lang.Object public abstract class Signatureextends Object The Signature class is the base class for Signature algorithms. Implementations of Signature algorithms

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  • sharedbiotemplate

    javacardx.biometry Interface SharedBioTemplateAll Superinterfaces: BioTemplate , Shareable BioTemplate Shareable The SharedBioTemplate interface provides the means for accessing unrestrictedbiometric

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  • shareable

    javacard.framework Interface ShareableAll Known Subinterfaces: SharedBioTemplate The Shareable interface serves to identify all shared objects. Any object that needs to be shared through the applet fi

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  • serviceexception

    javacard.framework.service Class ServiceExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class ServiceExcepti

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  • service

    javacard.framework.service Interface ServiceAll Known Subinterfaces: RemoteService , SecurityService All Known Implementing Classes: BasicService , RMIService This is the base interface for the servic

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  • securityservice

    javacard.framework.service Interface SecurityServiceAll Superinterfaces: Service Service This interface describes the functions of a generic security service. It extends the base Service interface and

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  • securityexception

    java.lang Class SecurityExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class SecurityExceptionextends RuntimeException A Java Card runtime environm

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  • secretkey Interface SecretKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key All Known Subinterfaces: AESKey , DESKey , HMACKey , KoreanSEEDKey Key The SecretKey class is the base interface for keysused in symmetric

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  • runtimeexception

    java.lang Class RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception java.lang.Throwable Direct Known Subclasses: ArithmeticException , ArrayStoreException , CardRuntimeException , ClassCastException

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  • rsapublickey Interface RSAPublicKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key , PublicKey PublicKey The RSAPublicKey is used to verify signatures on signed data using the RSA algorithm. It may also used by the jav

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  • rsaprivatekey Interface RSAPrivateKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key , PrivateKey PrivateKey The RSAPrivateKey class is used to sign data using the RSA algorithm in its modulus/exponent form. It may also

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  • rsaprivatecrtkey Interface RSAPrivateCrtKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key , PrivateKey PrivateKey The RSAPrivateCrtKey interface is used to sign data using the RSA algorithm in its Chinese Remainder Theore

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