Java Card API

  • memoryaccess

    javacardx.external Interface MemoryAccessThis interface provides methods to read and write the external memory space. Note that it is up to the implementation to ensure that no instance of this interf

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  • memory

    javacardx.external Class Memoryjava.lang.Object public final class Memoryextends Object This class provides access to memory subsystems that are not directly addressable, typically that of other conta

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  • koreanseedkey Interface KoreanSEEDKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key , SecretKey SecretKey KoreanSEEDKey contains an 16-byte key for Korean Seed Algorithm operations. When the key data is set, the key is

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  • keypair Class KeyPairjava.lang.Object public final class KeyPairextends Object This class is a container for a key pair (a public key and a private key). It does not enforce any security, an

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  • keyencryption

    javacardx.crypto Interface KeyEncryptionKeyEncryption interface defines the methods used to enable encrypted key data access to a key implementation.See ,Cipher Metho

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  • keybuilder Class KeyBuilderjava.lang.Object public class KeyBuilderextends Object The KeyBuilder class is a key object factory.Field Summarystatic short LENGTH_AES_128 AES Key Length

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  • keyagreement Class KeyAgreementjava.lang.Object public abstract class KeyAgreementextends Object The KeyAgreement class is the base class for key agreement algorithms such as Diffie-Hellman and E

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  • key Interface KeyAll Known Subinterfaces: AESKey , DESKey , DSAPrivateKey , DSAPublicKey , ECPrivateKey , ECPublicKey , HMACKey , KoreanSEEDKey , PrivateKey , PublicKey , RSAPrivateCrtKe

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  • jcsystem

    javacard.framework Class JCSystemjava.lang.Object public final class JCSystemextends Object The JCSystem class includes a collection of methods to control applet execution, resource management, atomic

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  • jcint

    javacardx.framework.util.intx Class JCintjava.lang.Object public final class JCintextends Object The JCint class contains common utility functions using ints. Some of the methods may be implemented as

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  • isoexception

    javacard.framework Class ISOExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class ISOExceptionextends CardRu

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  • iso7816

    javacard.framework Interface ISO7816ISO7816 encapsulates constants related to ISO 7816-3 and ISO 7816-4. ISO7816 interface contains only static fields. The static fields with SW_ prefixes define const

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  • ioexception Class IOExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception java.lang.Throwable Direct Known Subclasses: RemoteException public class IOExceptionextends Exception A Java Card runtime environment-own

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  • initializedmessagedigest Class InitializedMessageDigestjava.lang.Object public abstract class InitializedMessageDigestextends MessageDigest The InitializedMessageDigest class

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  • indexoutofboundsexception

    java.lang Class IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable Direct Known Subclasses: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException public class IndexO

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  • hmackey Interface HMACKeyAll Superinterfaces: Key , SecretKey SecretKey HMACKey contains a key for HMAC operations. This key can be of any length, but it is strongly recommended that the key

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  • externalexception

    javacardx.external Class ExternalExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class ExternalExceptionexte

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  • extendedlength

    javacardx.apduInterface ExtendedLengthThe ExtendedLengthinterface serves as a tagging interface to indicate that the applet supports extended length APDU. If this interface is implemented by the apple

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  • exception

    java.lang Class Exceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable Direct Known Subclasses: CardException , IOException , RuntimeException public class Exceptionextends Throwable The class Exception and it

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  • ecpublickey Interface ECPublicKeyAll Superinterfaces: ECKey , Key , PublicKey PublicKey ECKey The ECPublicKey interface is used to verify signatures on signed data using the ECDSA algorithm and

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