Is it your job to deploy a smart card system? Are you unsure where to start?When developing a smart card system, several factors should be considered in advance. Careful planning will help you avoid p
2020/06/06 M&W SmartCard 95
M.O.S.T. Card(R) Microprocessor (CPU) Smart CardsMinghua Aohan Part NumberSeriesUser MemorySecurity AlgorithmsFile Types SupportedCommunication ProtocolsApplicationsCLXSU064KC5C5 Series - Contact8 kiloby
2020/06/05 M&W SmartCard 211
Smart Cards in Access Control - OverviewA smart card is a typical plastic card that contains an embedded computer chip which is either a memory or a microprocessor type. The data that the chip is resp
2020/05/20 M&W SmartCard 33
We live in a smart world where technological trends and advancements are making life easier for everyone. Making payments and shopping online across various platforms has never been this swift and sec
2020/05/20 David Smith 65
IntroductionA smart card that contains two smart card chips – both contact and contactless chips – that are not interconnected.Example of a hybrid smart card set up:NXP Mifare S50, 1kbyte contactless
2020/04/30 M&W SmartCard 105
IntroductionA smart card that has a single smart card chip with two interfaces – a contact and a contactless interface – using shared memory and chip resources.Types of dual interface ICs available:NX
2020/04/30 M&W SmartCard 95
IntroductionThese cards have on-card dynamic data processing capabilities. Multifunction smart cards allocate card memory into independent sections or files assigned to a specific function or applicat
2020/04/30 M&W SmartCard 92
IntroductionThese cards have built-in logic to control the access to the memory of the card. Sometimes referred to as Intelligent Memory cards, these devices can be set to write- protect some or the e
2020/04/30 M&W SmartCard 117