Java Card API


2017-05-22 17:11:44 M&W SmartCard 48


Class PINException

public class PINExceptionextends CardRuntimeException

PINException represents a OwnerPIN class access-related exception. The OwnerPIN class throws Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of PINException. Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of exception classes are temporary Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these temporary objects cannot be stored in class variables or instance variables or array components. See Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card Platform, section 6.2.1 for details.

See Also:OwnerPIN

Field Summary
static short ILLEGAL_VALUE           This reason code is used to indicate that one or more input parameters is out of allowed bounds.


Constructor Summary
PINException (short reason)          Constructs a PINException.


Method Summary
static void throwIt (short reason)          Throws the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of PINException with the specified reason.


Methods inherited from class javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException
getReason , setReason


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object


Field Detail


public static final short ILLEGAL_VALUE

This reason code is used to indicate that one or more input parameters is out of allowed bounds.

See Also:Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public PINException(short reason)

Constructs a PINException. To conserve on resources use throwIt() to employ the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of this class.

Parameters:reason - the reason for the exception

Method Detail


public static void throwIt(short reason)

Throws the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of PINException with the specified reason. Java Card runtime environment-owned instances of exception classes are temporary Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these temporary objects cannot be stored in class variables or instance variables or array components. See Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card Platform, section 6.2.1 for details.

Parameters:reason - the reason for the exception

Throws: PINException- always 

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