Java Card API


2017-05-22 16:28:09 M&W SmartCard 121

Class Checksum

public abstract class Checksumextends Object

The Checksum class is the base class for CRC (cyclic redundancy check) checksum algorithms. Implementations of Checksum algorithms must extend this class and implement all the abstract methods.

A tear or card reset event resets a

Checksum object to the initial state (state upon construction).

Even if a transaction is in progress, update of intermediate result state in the implementation

instance shall not participate in the transaction.

Field Summary
static byte ALG_ISO3309_CRC16           ISO/IEC 3309 compliant 16 bit CRC algorithm.
static byte ALG_ISO3309_CRC32           ISO/IEC 3309 compliant 32 bit CRC algorithm.


Constructor Summary
protected Checksum ()          Protected Constructor


Method Summary
abstract  short doFinal (byte[] inBuff,short inOffset,short inLength,byte[] outBuff,short outOffset)          Generates a CRC checksum of all/last input data.
abstract  byte getAlgorithm ()          Gets the Checksum algorithm.
static Checksum getInstance (byte algorithm,boolean externalAccess)          Creates a Checksum object instance of the selected algorithm.
abstract  void init (byte[] bArray,short bOff,short bLen)          Resets and initializes the Checksum object with the algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  void update (byte[] inBuff,short inOffset,short inLength)          Accumulates a partial checksum of the input data.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object


Field Detail


public static final byte ALG_ISO3309_CRC16

ISO/IEC 3309 compliant 16 bit CRC algorithm. This algorithm uses the generator polynomial : x^16+x^12+x^5+1. The default initial checksum value used by this algorithm is 0. This algorithm is also compliant with the frame checking sequence as specified in section of the ISO/IEC 13239 specification. To obtain the commonly used CCITT behavior:

  • Initialize with 0xFFFF via the init() method

  • One's complement the result.

Algorithm specifics:

  • The input data is not reversed (reflected)

  • The ISO 3309 algorithm is used with the polynomial value 0x1021

  • The resulting 16 bit FCS is not reversed (reflected)

  • The 16 bit FCS is xor'd with OxFFFF. This is the CRC16 result.

See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final byte ALG_ISO3309_CRC32

ISO/IEC 3309 compliant 32 bit CRC algorithm. This algorithm uses the generator polynomial : X^32 +X^26 +X^23 +X^22 +X^16 +X^12 +X^11 +X^10 +X^8 +X^7 +X^5 +X^4 +X^2 +X +1. The default initial checksum value used by this algorithm is 0. This algorithm is also compliant with the frame checking sequence as specified insection of the ISO/IEC 13239 specification. To obtain the PKZIP (also JDKTM class) behavior:

  • Initialize with 0xFFFFFFFF via the init() method

Algorithm specifics:

  • The input data is reversed (reflected)

  • The ISO 3309 algorithm is used with the polynomial value 0x04C11DB7

  • The resulting 32 bit FCS is reversed (reflected)

  • The reversed 32 bit FCS is xor'd with OxFFFFFFFF. This is the CRC32 result.

See Also:Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


protected Checksum()

Protected Constructor

Method Detail


public static final ChecksumgetInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess) throws CryptoException

Creates a Checksum object instance of the selected algorithm.

Parameters:algorithm - the desired checksum algorithm. Valid codes listed in ALG_* constants above, for example, ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 .

externalAccess - true indicates that the instance will be shared among multiple applet instances and that the Checksum instance will also be accessed (via a Shareable. interface) when the owner of the Checksum instance is not the currently selected applet. If true the implementation must not allocate CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient space for internal data.

Returns:the Checksum object instance of the requested algorithm.

Throws: CryptoException- with the following reason codes:

  • CryptoException.NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM if the requested algorithm or shared access mode is not supported.


public abstract void init(byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen) throws CryptoException

Resets and initializes the Checksum object with the algorithm specific parameters. Note:

  • The ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 algorithm expects 2 bytes of parameter information inbArray representing the initial checksum value.

  • The ALG_ISO3309_CRC32 algorithm expects 4 bytes of parameter information inbArray representing the initial checksum value.

Parameters:bArray - byte array containing algorithm specific initialization information

bOff - offset within bArray where the algorithm specific data begins

bLen - byte length of algorithm specific parameter data

Throws: CryptoException- with the following reason codes:

  • CryptoException.ILLEGAL_VALUE if a byte array parameter option is not supported by the algorithm or if the bLen is an incorrect byte length for the algorithm specific data.


public abstract byte getAlgorithm()

Gets the Checksum algorithm. Valid codes listed in ALG_* constants above, for example, ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 .

Returns:the algorithm code defined above


public abstract short doFinal(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)

Generates a CRC checksum of all/last input data. The CRC engine processes input data starting with the byte at offset inOffset and continuing on until the byte at (inOffset+inLength-1) of the inBuff array. Within each byte the processing proceeds from the least significant bit to the most. Completes and returns the checksum computation. The Checksum object is reset to the initial state(state upon construction) when this method completes. Note:

  • The ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 and ALG_ISO3309_CRC32 algorithms reset the initial checksum value to 0. The initial checksum value can be re-initialized using the init(byte[], short, short) method.

The input and output buffer data may overlap.

Parameters:inBuff - the input buffer of data to be checksummed

inOffset - the offset into the input buffer at which to begin checksum generation

inLength - the byte length to checksum

outBuff - the output buffer, may be the same as the input buffer

outOffset - the offset into the output buffer where the resulting checksum value begins

Returns:number of bytes of checksum output in outBuff


public abstract void update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength)

Accumulates a partial checksum of the input data. The CRC engine processes input data starting with the byte at offset inOffset and continuing on until the byte at (inOffset+inLength-1) of the inBuff array. Within each byte the processing proceeds from the least significant bit to the most. This method requires temporary storage of intermediate results.This may result in additional resource consumption and/or slow performance. This method should only be used if all the input data required for the checksum is not available in one byte array. The doFinal(byte[], short, short, byte[], short) method is recommended whenever possible. Note:

  • If inLength is 0 this method does nothing.

Parameters:inBuff - the input buffer of data to be checksummed

inOffset - the offset into the input buffer at which to begin checksum generation

inLength - the byte length to checksum

See Also:doFinal

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