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  • transactionexception

    javacard.framework Class TransactionExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class TransactionExcepti

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 29

  • tlvexception

    javacardx.framework.tlv Class TLVExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class TLVExceptionextends C

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 55

  • throwable

    java.lang Class Throwablejava.lang.Object Direct Known Subclasses: Exception public class Throwableextends Object The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java Cardpla

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 20

  • systemexception

    javacard.framework Class SystemExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Exception javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.Throwable public class SystemExceptionextends

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 45

  • signaturemessagerecovery Interface SignatureMessageRecoveryA subclass of the abstract Signature class must implement this SignatureMessageRecovery interface to provide message recovery functionality. An inst

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 59

  • signature Class Signaturejava.lang.Object public abstract class Signatureextends Object The Signature class is the base class for Signature algorithms. Implementations of Signature algorithms

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 52

  • sharedbiotemplate

    javacardx.biometry Interface SharedBioTemplateAll Superinterfaces: BioTemplate , Shareable BioTemplate Shareable The SharedBioTemplate interface provides the means for accessing unrestrictedbiometric

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 36

  • shareable

    javacard.framework Interface ShareableAll Known Subinterfaces: SharedBioTemplate The Shareable interface serves to identify all shared objects. Any object that needs to be shared through the applet fi

    2017/05/22 M&W SmartCard 33

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