Smart Cards

Smart Card's Types : Memory

2020-04-30 15:33:18 M&W SmartCard 60


Mingwah Aohan Smart Card

Memory cards cannot manage files and have no processing power for data management. All memory cards communicate to readers through synchronous protocols. In all memory cards you read and write to a fixed address on the card. Often made with I2C or serial flash semiconductors, these cards were traditionally the lowest cost per bit for user memory. This has now changed with the larger quantities of processors being built for the GSM market. This has dramatically cut into the advantage of these types of devices. They should be regarded as floppy disks of varying sizes without the lock mechanism. These cards cannot identify themselves to the reader, so your host system has to know what type of card is being inserted into a reader. These cards are easily duplicated and cannot be tracked by on-card identifiers.

Types of contact type memory IC available:

  • Atmel AT24C family (AT24C01, AT24C02, AT24C04, AT24C08, AT24C16, AT24C32, AT24C64, AT24C128, AT24C256, AT24C512)

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