RFID articles

RFID articles : Contactless Credit Card Disadvantages

2020-04-08 12:06:38 M&W SmartCard 48

The following disadvantages have been noted with contactless credit cards:

  • Contactless cards are more exposed than regular credit cards.
    If you want to keep your credit card secure, you could keep it safely in an enclosed wallet or purse; thieves would have absolutely no way to even know if you have a credit card. However, a thief armed with a suitable reader, within a few feet of you, would be able to interrogate all of the cards in your wallet or purse without your knowledge.
    Also, a regular credit card transaction is fairly secure; the magnetic strip is swiped at very close range (less than a millimeter). However, a thief with a suitable reader could monitor your contactless card transaction while standing at the counter with you, or just behind you.
    These concerns have, of course, been carefully noted by credit card companies. The RFID chip in the contactless credit card responds to the merchant reader with a unique number used for that transaction only; it does not simply transmit the consumer's account number. This number is also encrypted.

  • It is easier to spend.
    Studies have demonstrated that consumers will be more likely to spend, and will spend more frequently, with contactless credit cards.

Privacy advocates are particularly concerned about this technology; it is feared that having this muchc information available "in the open air" will lead inevitably to problems.

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