Java Cards

  • Java Cards

    Java Cards are the next step in Smart Card technology. Basically, a Java Card is a smart card that can be programmed in a high level language instead of assembly language. This naturally makes produci

    2020/07/29 M&W SmartCard 44

  • Java Card: definition, use cases and benefits

    What is Java Card?Java Card is an industry-standard technology platform that was developed by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) to enable Java-based applications - applets - to run on smart cards that sup

    2020/04/29 M&W SmartCard 160

  • Java Card v2.2.2 API Manual

    function changeFrameHeight(){ var ifm= document.getElementById("mainiframe"); ifm.height=document.documentElement.clientHeight-56; } window.onresize=function(){ changeFrameHeight

    2020/03/30 M&W SmartCard 54

  • NXP JCOP Series Chip JAVA CARD CPU CARD SPEC and Classfication Description

    NXP JCOP series chip card is a high quality and high safety solution product of NXP company. Wide application in banking&finance, mobile communication, public transportation, visits access and int

    2020/03/25 M&W SmartCard 181

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